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Кирилл Ястребов (Yekaterinburg) Psycholog

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Кирилл Ястребов

I am a practicing psychologist-consultant. I help adults get out of a dead end. Manage your own feelings and cope with difficult life situations. It is important to me that you overcome difficulties and are able to use this experience further. Therefore, I help you to consciously understand both the situation and ways to solve it. I also give techniques that you can use yourself. Because of my approach, I cannot help you if you are looking for a solution through hypnosis, trance or NLP anchor. But I can suggest relevant specialists whom I trust.

The main topics that I help you understand:

• How to cope with feelings: anger, shame, anxiety, guilt, uncertainty.
• Overcoming difficult situations: a loved one has left; job loss; separation from loved ones.
• Self-development: find self-confidence; learn to make important decisions; see new meanings and goals.

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