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Олеся В. (Yekaterinburg) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Олеся В. (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1000 rub
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Олеся В.

Qualified help from a psychologist. I am working successfully and can help you:
1. Understand yourself. Learn to be friends with yourself. Harmony of life.
2. Overcoming neurotic conditions: anxiety, fear, panic attacks, apathy.
3. Working with blocks and internal conflicts.
4. Working with life scenarios, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence. Build contact with yourself.
5. The ability to make decisions and choices. Elimination of complexes.
8. Dealing with grief (death of a loved one).
9. Suicidal intentions.
10. Work with children and adolescents.
11. Working with family. Family problems.

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