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Татьяна (Yekaterinburg) Specjalista od tatuażu

Usługi i ceny master Татьяна (6)

Tatuaż (6)
Brwi permanentne 3000 rub
Korekcja makijażu permanentnego brwi 1500 rub
Tatuaż na usta 3000 rub
Korekta makijażu permanentnego ust 1500 rub
Permanentna kreska dekoracyjna 3000 rub
Korekta makijażu permanentnego oczu 1500 rub
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Master Tatiana in permanent makeup. It doesn't hurt, it's high quality and beautiful. There is a 10% discount on your first visit. Those who have already had their eyebrows permanently divided their lives into “before” and “after”. An expressive face, a beautiful eyebrow line, saving time, and the ability to always look chic are the main reasons for the popularity of the procedure!

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