Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia

Айгуль (Irkutsk) Specjalista od tatuażu

Usługi i ceny master Айгуль (5)

Tatuaż (5)
Brwi permanentne 3000 rub
Korekcja makijażu permanentnego brwi 1500 rub
Tatuaż na usta 2000 rub
Korekta makijażu permanentnego ust 1500 rub
Usuwanie tatuażu 1500 rub
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The permanent gives:
- self confidence
- grooming
- beautiful face in the morning
- real time saving, wash your face and go
- always expressive face
- eyebrows that are not erased under a hat
- lips are juicy and smooth, even after you’ve eaten
- eyes that are always expressive and attractive
- correction of asymmetry
- a great solution before your vacation!

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