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Ольга Ли (Irkutsk) Fotograf

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Ольга Ли

Have a good day! What about me? I take photographs, and how. My name is Olga Lee. I have been in commercial photography for more than 5 years. My total photographic experience is more than 15 years. I absolutely love photography; I work with it, relax with it, and have fun with it. Not a day without a camera. My second passion is travel. I'm happy to combine.
Among the genres I can offer you:
-Wedding photography
-Family photography
-Shooting for beautiful girls in a great position
-Photography of newborn babies
-Individual shooting
-Creative projects
-On-location shooting
- Reportage shooting
It is generally accepted that a photographer should work in one genre, but I believe that this can lead to narrow-mindedness. That is why I use shooting techniques from different genres, which adds creative diversity.

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