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Гузаль Хайруллина (Kazan) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Гузаль Хайруллина (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
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Гузаль Хайруллина

I am a certified clinical psychologist, neuropsychologist, neurophysiologist. I will help you find the sources of your problem, work with you to understand and eliminate them. In my work I use an integrative approach (including a cognitive-behavioral approach). I work with a wide range of problems: panic attacks, phobias, anxiety, obsessions (OCD), behavioral (love) and chemical addictions, depressive states, etc.

I also conduct pathopsychological and neuropsychological examinations of children and adults (including after brain damage - strokes, injuries, tumors). On the basis of which I draw up correction and rehabilitation programs in connection with the identified problems. Aimed at solving your problem (confidentially, environmentally friendly and productive).

I conduct consultations via Skype.

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