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Галина Ларионова (Kazan) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Галина Ларионова (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
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Галина Ларионова

Hello! Glad to introduce myself here. My name is Galina Larionova. I am a psychologist, a body practitioner, in the recent past and still a little in the present - a yoga instructor. Topics and issues I work with:
Difficult periods in life, crises.
Resources and supports. Internal and external.
Difficult to bear experiences (anxiety, powerlessness, fears, grief, melancholy, aggression and others).
Bodily and emotional sensitivity, development of emotional intelligence.
Understanding yourself and your true needs.
Relationships with yourself, self-esteem.
Psychosomatics. Working with bodily symptoms.
Boundaries and relationships with others.

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