Znajdź specjalisty urody i zdrowia

Ничего лишнего (Kazan) Klinika kosmetologii

Usługi i ceny salon Ничего лишнего (6)

Tatuaż i piercing (3)
Przekłuwanie sutków
Odbudowa i rekonstrukcja włosa (1)
Plazmolifting skóry głowy
Usuwanie włosów (1)
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (1)
Połącz taryfę

Ничего лишнего

Cosmetology, Beauty salon

Beauty services: Hardware cosmetology, Reinforcement of cheeks, Reinforcement of neck, Reinforcement of buttocks (filament lifting), Non-surgical liposuction by zones, Botulinum therapy, Hand depilation, Depilation, Bikini hair removal, Deep bikini, Lower leg hair removal, Breast hair removal, Facial hair removal, Leg hair removal, Body hair removal type of procedure, Hair removal by zone, Chin hair removal, Armpit hair removal, Arm hair removal up to the elbow, Arm hair removal, Cheek hair removal, Back hair removal, Upper lip hair removal, Buttock hair removal, Abdominal hair removal, Xeomin injections in the face, Xeomin injections in the forehead, Intimate hair removal, Classic bikini, Xeomin injections, Laser hair removal of the lower leg, Laser hair removal of the chin, Laser hair removal, Laser hair removal of the upper lip, Non-surgical liposuction, Thread lifting by zones, Thread lifting, Piercing, Plasmolifting of lips, Plasmolifting of the face, Plasmolifting, Sugaring bikini, Sugaring, Hair removal

Adresy salonów

Vakhitovsky район
улица Николая Ершова, 18
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Adresy salonów


Kazan, Vakhitovsky р-н

улица Николая Ершова, 18
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (900) 324-...
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