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Ирина Щелупа (Krasnodar) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Ирина Щелупа (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1000 rub
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Ирина Щелупа

Psychology for me is a tool for improving the quality of life.
I accept clients online, in any program convenient for you.
What requests do I work with:
- Working with self-esteem.
- Relationships with a partner.
- Relationships with family members.
- Relationship with yourself.
- Personal boundaries.
- Negative states, emotions, feelings (resentment, anxiety, fears, worries, irritation, envy, uncertainty, guilt, emotional burnout).
- Finding yourself, accepting yourself.
I work in a consultative approach. In the Gestalt approach.
The duration of the consultation is 60 minutes.
Introductory session (introduction, assistance in formulating a request) 20 min - free.

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