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Максим Темников (Krasnodar) Fotograf

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Максим Темников

Preparing for shooting. I carefully prepare for each shoot, think through the idea, look for props, and select locations. And this is not an empty phrase. See for yourself!

Mobility. I conduct filming not only in the Krasnodar region, but throughout Russia,
and to the world. This winter I have been upgrading my photography skills in Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Photo upload speed. I know what it’s like to wait 3 long and tiring months for wedding photos. Therefore, I send photographs to my clients within 14 working days. Want to post some photos on Instagram now? I will send you an announcement of the photos the very next day after the shooting.

Confidence. I shoot not only for local influencers and urban bloggers, but also for popular artists.

Easy shooting process. Does your fiance or child hate being photographed? Find it tedious? You don't have to worry about that with me. I always have a playlist with me where I can find that relaxing melody or energetic sounds.

I don't beat prices. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

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Wyjazd do regionów Krasnodar
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+7 (962) 872-...
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