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Татьяна Капленко (Krasnodar) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Татьяна Капленко (1)

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Татьяна Капленко

Gestalt therapy is a here-and-now principle borrowed from Eastern philosophy; a holistic approach that considers man and the world as a holistic phenomenon. This is the principle of self-regulation and interchange with the environment and a paradoxical theory of change: they occur when a person becomes who he is, and does not try to be who he is not.

What I can do:
- listen, do not give advice, do not judge, be with you in moments of weakness, despondency, hopelessness, powerlessness;
- work with the Inner Child, cultivate a Loving Parent, resist the Oppressive voice inside.
I will help you go through those stages of personality development that were not passed through in childhood.
Therapy will not make your life problem-free, but it will teach you to feel more clearly about yourself and the world around you.

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