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Татьяна Харченко (Krasnodar) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Татьяна Харченко (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1500 rub
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Татьяна Харченко

I help teenagers on the following topics:
- choice of profession
- identification of talents and strengths
- choice of exams - choice of educational institutions
- drawing up educational and career plans
- testing.

I help parents on the following topics:
- difficulties communicating with children
- assistance in choosing a profession and determining the vocation of your children
- worries about the future of children
- and even the self-determination of the parents themselves.

I work with students and everyone who is still looking for their path:
- choose where to work
- help so that they can be taken wherever you want
- make a plan on how to radically change your profession
- make sure that what you learn is promising.

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