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Андрей Косолапов (Krasnoyarsk) Psycholog

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Андрей Косолапов

Psychological assistance and support. Conducting trainings and seminars. Working with psychosomatics. Support for people undergoing treatment and their relatives. Working with crisis conditions, psychological trauma, psycho-emotional burnout. Sports psychology. Deep relaxation techniques and trance states.

I prefer the cognitive-behavioral approach, but I do not consider myself a representative of one school of psychology, since I use the main paradigms (rational, behavioral, neurophysiological, psychodynamic) at various stages of work. I combine a systematic approach, a focus on external and realistic results with flexibility of views regarding a person’s unique life situation and his mental organization.

Opcje recepcji

U specjalisty w domu
Krasnoyarsk, Central dist, улица Урицкого
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja domowa

Krasnoyarsk, Central р-н, улица Урицкого
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (902) 927-...
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