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Лейла Агаева (Krasnoyarsk) Psycholog

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Лейла Агаева

Hello my dear friend! My name is Leila Agayeva - I am a personal development specialist, certified international coach, psychologist.
Sometimes you get the feeling that something has gone wrong in life. You feel depression, loss of strength, apathy, irritation. Either you chose the wrong partner, perhaps something is wrong with the business, your work is no longer enjoyable. It’s like you’re not living your life, you’ve lost meaning.

The inner feeling that you want more, the desire to benefit this world does not let you go, and meanwhile, every day the existing reality depresses you. .

These bells tell you that it’s time to act and you won’t be able to cope on your own.

I know how to help you, friends! In my practice, there are more than 600 successful consultations. With the help of proven tools - coaching, psychology, NLP, eniostyle, metaphorical cards, I will bring you to the desired result.

After my coaching sessions, waking up in the morning you will feel a surge of strength and motivation. You will feel a sense of meaning in life and satisfaction that you have found yourself.

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