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Юлия Розина (Krasnoyarsk) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Юлия Розина (1)

Konsultacja 2000 rub
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Юлия Розина

Good afternoon I am a systemic arranger, field therapist, energy practitioner.

If you want to change your inner state, find the invisible reasons for what is happening to you, become more holistic and alive, come to a session lasting 1.5–2 hours.

What awaits you? A careful look at you through your request, live contact without judgment or evaluation. I will help you discover and change the unconscious field processes that shape your problem situation.

I work in person and online.

Methodologically, I work through systemic constellations, L. Talpis’ Universal Therapy, RPT, projective techniques (metaphorical associative maps), quantum psychology, energy practices, and work with trauma in the approach of F. Ruppert.

Instrumental: figures, chairs, anchors, deputies, MAC.

You can contact me with a request:

  • to change the state: from a long loss of strength to a sudden breakdown, I want to find support, get rid of aggression, I want to remove tension and pain, develop qualities in myself;
  • on the topic of relationships: they don’t exist, they exist and something doesn’t suit you, I’m worried about relationships;
  • assistance in choosing options when rational choice does not help, the options seem equally attractive or unattractive, or you need to figure out which way to go.
  • any other.

Work options:

  • Individual work with a request in person or online (1.5–2 hours) - 3,500 rubles.
  • Resource work - (1 hour) - 2000 rub.

My training:

  • I learned systemic constellations (with elements of MAK and RPT) in the author’s course with O. Polyakov (Novosibirsk) in 2016–2017.
  • Universal Therapy and Quantum Psychology with L. Talpis (Moscow) 2017–2021.
  • Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton" (St. Petersburg) - advanced training program "Method of working with identity trauma of Professor F. Ruppert" February–March 2021
  • Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton" (St. Petersburg) - advanced training program "Fundamentals of Jungian analysis: theory and practice" November–December 2021
  • Institute of Practical Psychology "Imaton" (St. Petersburg) - advanced training program "Practice of working with mandala in individual and group art therapy" December 2021 - January 2022
  • Participant of training webinars, thematic and constellation groups N. Bondarenko, including the course “Five Elements”, the annual training course “Energy of the Four Seasons”.
  • A. Solodilova "Reading the field and tarot constellations" December 2022

Practice since 2017

Opcje recepcji (2)

U specjalisty w domu
Krasnoyarsk, Oktyabrsky dist, улица Академика Киренского, 56А
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Пн 09:00 – 21:00
Вт 09:00 – 21:00
Ср 09:00 – 21:00
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Сб 09:00 – 21:00
Вс 09:00 – 21:00
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Юлия Розина Psycholog
na Barb już 35 miesięcy
Doświadczenie 7y.
Skontaktuj się

Połączeń: 4
Ostatnia wizyta: 28.02.2023

Opcje recepcji (2)

Recepcja domowa

Krasnoyarsk, Oktyabrsky р-н, улица Академика Киренского, 56А
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Pon 09:00 – 21:00
Wt 09:00 – 21:00
Śr 09:00 – 21:00
Czw 09:00 – 21:00
Pt 09:00 – 21:00
Sob 09:00 – 21:00
Niedz 09:00 – 21:00
+7 (913) 046-...
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