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Usuwanie plam starczych in Moscow

Usuwanie plam starczych in Moscow – 56 salonów i 114 specjalistów.
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na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Трубниковский пер., стр. 8/15
M Arbatskaya

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9.5 punktów
18 dzwonków
[email protected] 28.10.2023:

A friend recommended it and tried it myself. I read reviews on the Internet. This company lives up to its name. I am very......

Wszystkie opinie: 2


na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, YuAO dist
Шаболовка, дом 10, кор. 1
M Shabolovskaya

Zobacz na mapie
9.8 punktów
20 dzwonków
Alina 04.11.2023:

I came to this salon on the advice of a friend, I have a sedentary job that causes severe back pain. Getting to the salon was......

Wszystkie opinie: 2


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Чистопрудный б-р, д. 11, стр. 1, 2 этаж
M Chistye Prudy

Zobacz na mapie
16 dzwonków
Karina 26.01.2023:

I had stretch marks on my stomach removed at the Gradient cosmetology center, they, of course, did not go away completely, but became less noticeable, I personally......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


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na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Рыбников переулок, 4
M Turgenevskaya

Zobacz na mapie
22 dzwonka
That one 28.01.2023:

I had warts removed at the Quality Mark medical center. After the procedure, there were sores with a crust, but I was ready for it.......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, SAO dist
​Черняховского, 19
M Airport

Zobacz na mapie
27 dzwonków
Hope 30.01.2023:

I've heard different opinions about photorejuvenation, some are delighted with the procedure, others - not so much, everything is individual. I decided to sign up and......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, ZAO dist
Покрышкина, д. 1, корп. 1
M Yugo-Zapadnaya

Zobacz na mapie
8.4 punktów
24 dzwonka
Catherine 01.02.2023:

I had a combined facial cleansing done at Melis salon. I signed up for the procedure in advance, but after a few days I realized that......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 51 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
улица Гончарная, 38
M Taganskaya

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
30 dzwonków
Valeria 01.02.2023:

I always try to look beautiful and well-groomed. I come to Vitalita for various skincare procedures. Now I'm hooked on cleansing masks. The cosmetologist......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 48 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Малый Златоустинский переулок, 3/3
M Lubyanka

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
6 dzwonków
Max 07.02.2023:

My wife went to Laser Clinic for Sugaring of her hands. She really liked it, because the master is really a professional. We asked about......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Поварская, 8/1с1
M Arbatskaya

Дополнительные адреса:

ZAO dist

Никулинская, 5, копр. 2

M Yugo-Zapadnaya

CAO dist

3-я Ямского поля, 9

M Belarusian
Zobacz na mapie
9.6 punktów
11 dzwonków
Kira 09.02.2023:

During pregnancy, pigment spots appeared above my upper lip. I remember making all sorts of masks at home, trying to remove them. As a result,......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 51 miesięcy

Moscow, SZAO dist
Нелидовская, 20, корп. 1
M Skhodnenskaya

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
15 dzwonków
Natasha 09.02.2023:

Enlarged lips in Medic. They opened everything in front of me, the procedure is carried out using disposable gloves, everything is sterile and safe. The......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, YuZAO dist
Дмитрия Ульянова, дом 11, корпус 2
M Akademicheskaya

Zobacz na mapie
8.8 punktów
16 dzwonków
Katy 16.02.2023:

Hello. On the advice of a friend, I turned to the clinic of aesthetic medicine and laser cosmetology in Moscow. It was necessary to have......

Wszystkie opinie: 2


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Проспект Мира, д. 5, корп. 1
M Sukharevskaya

Дополнительные адреса:

CAO dist

Таганская, д. 29

M Taganskaya

CAO dist

Филипповский переулок, д. 7

M Arbatskaya
Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
24 dzwonka
Natalia 10.09.2023:

I contacted Altero for scar removal. There were several scars on my body, left over from childhood, and they had long been the subject of my......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 36 miesięcy

Moscow, ZAO dist
Мичуринский проспект, д. 7, корп. 1
M Lomonosovsky prospect
M Ramenki

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
24 dzwonka
Olga 02.02.2022:

Lux Clinic employs true professionals. I do LPG massage and laser hair removal here. I didn’t believe in the effect of massage before, but imagine......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 50 miesięcy

W salonie
Moscow, CAO dist,
Климашкина, 5
M Street 1905

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
45 dzwonków
Lydia 10.02.2022:

I can't take care of myself on my own. I changed many cosmetologists until I came to Yuliana Shiyan. She is a very pleasant person......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, SAO dist
Космонавта Волкова, дом 9/2

Zobacz na mapie
9.8 punktów
34 dzwonka
Anna 12.10.2023:

Well, I celebrated my visit to this salon. They receive you as if you are the most welcome guest who - they didn’t sleep all night,......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 23 miesiące

W salonie
Проспект Мира, д. 26, стр. 4

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na Barb już 36 miesięcy

W salonie
Moscow, CAO dist,
Новинский бульвар, 5 ст1
M Smolenskaya

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na Barb już 23 miesiące

W salonie
Елоховский проезд, 1, стр. 3

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na Barb już 36 miesięcy

W salonie
Moscow, CAO dist,
ул. Шаболовка, 23 корпус 2

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na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, YuZAO dist
Грина, 18
M Starokachalovskaya street

Zobacz na mapie
12 dzwonków
She 10.02.2023:

The remaining acne scars could only be removed by laser resurfacing; other methods were ineffective. I had 3 procedures done at the EMS cosmetology center and......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Большой Каретный, д. 24, стр. 2
M Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Zobacz na mapie
10 dzwonków
Natalia 29.01.2023:

I chose the salon based on reviews from friends, the so-called word of mouth worked. I was captivated by the variety of cosmetology services (and more),......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, CAO dist
Лялин переулок, д. 3, стр. 4
M Kurskaya

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
1 dzwonek
Zhenya 08.02.2023:

I contacted PsorMac with skin problems. Signed up quickly and easily. I was diagnosed by a dermatologist, the diagnosis takes place in several stages, everything......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 49 miesięcy

Moscow, YuVAO dist
Новорогожская улица, дом 22

Zobacz na mapie
10 punktów
3 dzwonka
Irina 13.02.2023:

I was able to completely get my face in order at MSK clinics. It’s incredible how quickly and painlessly MSK specialists cured my face of scars,......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 47 miesięcy

Борисовка, дом 2

Zobacz na mapie
2 dzwonka
Irina 05.11.2023:

I had facial skin photorejuvenation done at clinic No. 2 in Borisovka, the result was wonderful. The skin is firmer and more youthful as the......

Wszystkie opinie: 1


na Barb już 21 miesięcy

Вавилова, д. 4

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na Barb już 22 miesiące

Бауманская ул., 6, строение 2

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na Barb już 22 miesiące

Ботаническая, 19к1

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na Barb już 22 miesiące

W salonie
Малая Дмитровка, д. 8, стр. 1

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na Barb już 23 miesiące

W salonie
Проспект мира, 26, стр. 4

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Usuwanie plam starczych obok mnie Moscow

1200-12000 RUR

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