na Barb już 52 miesiące
Adres | |
ZAO dist 2-я Филевская, д. 8, корп. 1 |
od 3800 rub / - |
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od 2800 rub / - |
For a long time I couldn’t find a good hairdresser who could really help me choose a hairstyle that could change my image. In the end,......
na Barb już 49 miesięcy
Adres | |
ZAO dist Филевская, д. 16/1 |
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1500 rub / 30 min. |
2500 rub / 60 min. |
In September I became a mother for the second time. The extra pounds are almost all gone, but the problem with cellulite remains relevant. I......
na Barb już 54 miesiące
Adres | |
ZAO dist Малая Филевская, 4/1 |
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od 1490 rub / - |
od 900 rub / - |
I am a regular client of the Beauty City beauty salon. A friend took me there. One procedure and I just fell in love with......
21:31 Ирина telefon
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21:02 Alesya telefon
20:43 Urszula telefon