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Левон Арамян (Moscow) Chirurg plastyczny

Usługi i ceny master Левон Арамян (6)

Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (1)
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (3)
Operacja plastyczna brzucha
Lipofilling ciała
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (2)
Powiększenie piersi
Podniesienie piersi
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Левон Арамян

Useful information for those planning to contact me for advice. Sometimes people are so nervous before and during a consultation that they forget to ask some questions, so it can be very helpful to make a list of questions on paper or in notes on your phone. You can also save photos to your phone that show the desired result - these could be before/after photos of my results or just photos from the Internet. The consultation takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour. My task is to make sure that after our conversation you do not have a single question left.

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