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Анна Рыжако (Moscow) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Анна Рыжако (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 5000 rub
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Анна Рыжако

Experience: 9 years
Working days: on weekdays
Opening hours: from 9:00 to 18:00
Place of work: remotely

I am 33 years old. I have been married to my beloved for 10 years and we have two children: son Kirill is almost 9 years old, daughter Nastya is 3.5 years old.

By education, I am a history and geography teacher, educational psychologist, and worked at a school from 2005 to 2018.

In 2017, I discovered a new direction in psychology - Theta Healing. For 2 years I took courses in Theta Healing technology: “Basic and Advanced Courses”, “Deep Excavations”, “World Relations”, “Harmonious Relationships: You and Your Significant Partner”, “Intuitive Anatomy, Family Ties”, “The Game of Life” , "Manifestation and Abundance."

In 2 years I conducted more than 2000 consultations, the cost of an hour of my work increased 10 times. The results of my clients are very pleasing and inspiring.

In 2019, I completed Theta Healing instructor courses, which give me the right to teach Theta Healing to other people. Currently, in 2019, I organized and conducted 8 courses with a total number of participants of more than 50 people.

Now I am a psychologist, practitioner, Theta Healing instructor, helping my clients and students achieve the life they dream of (health, happiness, love, joy, harmony, abundance). And I am also a happy woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, friend, learning the profession of a blogger.

I work for those who are developing, love to learn new things about themselves, who are sincere and open to change! For those who have problems and cannot solve them on their own.

My work takes place in Theta Healing technology through working with the subconscious, remotely (via video link).

During the theta session, we identify blocks that are on the way to the goal (the desired life), we deeply work through them in all areas (attitude towards oneself, childhood, parents, partners, past, present, future, self-realization, fears and dreams). And we create a new reality!

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Moscow, метро Коммунарка
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Moscow, метро Коммунарка
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (950) 407-...
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