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Дэмиано Барони (Moscow) Masażysta, trener fitness

Usługi i ceny master Дэмиано Барони (5)

Masaż i SPA (5)
Antycellulitowy masaż ciała 2500 rub
Masaż relaksacyjny 2000 rub
Masaż egzotyczny
Masaż kamieniami 2500 rub
Masaż miodowy 2500 rub
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Дэмиано Барони

One day, finding myself in the hands of a professional massage therapist, I discovered the uniqueness of what hands can do during a massage. I realized that this is exactly what I had been missing all this time. Working as a trainer, I helped people shape their bodies, just as a master sculptor helps his student in the process of working on a sculpture. The work of a massage therapist is comparable to the work of the sculptor himself. With my hands I don’t just touch your body, but smooth out all the unevenness and roughness.

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