I had Botox injections with Max-Adam, the crow's feet in the corners of my eyes were gone, the effect was minus 5 years! He is an excellent cosmetologist and plastic surgeon, I contacted him on a recommendation, I plan to have liposuction with him in the future, I have heard good reviews.
Max-Adam Scherer is a true professional in his field. Personally, I carefully chose the cosmetologist to whom I would contact in order to enlarge my lips. I immediately realized that I had found a professional. They didn’t ask me any unnecessary questions. The sponges turned out magical. As soon as the swelling subsided, I immediately appreciated the result. Big, sensual. Everything was just as I wanted.
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January 2019
10 punktów
Super Poleca master: TakДелала ботокс в область глаз, и консультация по поводу нитей, очень довольна процедурой т. к. У меня сложная область под глазами там образуются складки, до этого мне никто эту зону не колол, хотя ботокс делаю реально, всё ссылались на то, что будут отёки. А вот Макс-Адам Шерер сделал и результат отличный! И ни каких отёков!!!