Kosmetyka twarzy (4) | |
Laserowe odmładzanie twarzy | od 30000 rub |
Nici liftingujące (mezowątki) | od 20000 rub |
Usuwanie blizn | od 3000 rub |
Usuwanie nowotworów | od 5000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (3) | |
Blepharoplastyka | od 30000 rub |
Otoplastyka | od 15000 rub |
Lifting operacyjny twarzy | od 120000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (2) | |
Liposukcja | od 20000 rub |
Operacja plastyczna brzucha | od 100000 rub |
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (2) | |
Powiększenie piersi | 150000 rub |
Zmniejszenie piersi | 200000 rub |
Plastyka stref intymnych (1) | |
Labioplastyka | od 30000 rub |
If you care about how you look, then we are like-minded people. Scientific achievements in the field of plastic surgery and cosmetology in the hands of a qualified, experienced doctor can not only correct minor shortcomings of a person, but also completely transform him, making him more beautiful, and therefore more self-confident and happier.
18.03.2022 Julia
I removed a scar on Tatyana’s arm left after a burn. The scar has become less noticeable, the redness has gone away, I’m very happy! I don’t regret that I turned to Tatyana, she is a pro in her field and makes a good impression in her communication. I will also use her services in the future.
M | Smolenskaya |
Moscow, CAO р-н, Новый Арбат, 36/9, к. 2 | |
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13.07.2023 Svetlana Mashkova
About 5 years ago, an accidentally broken mirror cut my cheek very badly. Got big scars. I was embarrassed to even go outside, which really constrained me. And in the end I decided to remove these scars. I went to different salons, and eventually found Tatyana, who had a lot of positive reviews that attracted me. We quickly agreed on everything with her. There were no problems. She was very attentive towards me and was always ready to meet me. Quite a lot of time has passed and there are no positive effects on the skin. Everything went perfectly.