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Екатерина Голотина (Moscow) Specjalista od tatuażu, instruktor kursu urody

Usługi i ceny master Екатерина Голотина (7)

Tatuaż (7)
Brwi permanentne
Korekcja makijażu permanentnego brwi
Tatuaż na usta
Tatuaż akwarelowy ust
Permanentny makijaż oczu
Permanentna kreska dekoracyjna
Kreska górna w linii rzęs
Połącz taryfę

Екатерина Голотина

Tattoo master trainer, member of the PM League. When working with patients, I often encounter “youthful mistakes.” And we are not talking about the wrong man or education. Often I have to correct the work of other “experts”. “Curved” lips, a “discolored” face, or simply not the result that the client expected to see - this is the least that can happen. An incorrectly chosen or poorly performed procedure can cost not only your appearance, but also your health! Be careful when choosing a clinic and doctor!

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