Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (8) | |
Operacja nosa | od 220000 rub |
Blepharoplastyka | od 60000 rub |
Otoplastyka | od 40000 rub |
Operacja redukcji czoła | od 90000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna podbródka | od 140000 rub |
Usunięcie poduszek Bichata | od 90000 rub |
Lifting operacyjny twarzy | od 180000 rub |
Przeszczep tłuszczu na twarz | od 50000 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (2) | |
Liposukcja | od 25000 rub |
Operacja plastyczna brzucha | od 300000 rub |
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (5) | |
Powiększenie piersi | od 300000 rub |
Podniesienie piersi | od 300000 rub |
Zmniejszenie piersi | od 320000 rub |
Plastyka brodawek i otoczek sutkowych | 95000 rub |
Leczenie ginekomastii u mężczyzn | od 60000 rub |
Sergei Arkadyevich, in addition to impeccable mastery of the skill of a surgeon, also has that sense of beauty that is inherent only in real artists. This is not beauty in the standard sense of “make my nose like ...!”, but a unique feeling of the only possible harmonious combination of features that makes a face uniquely beautiful.
In his hands, European experience in rhinoplasty and the achievements of modern Russian surgery are combined. He explains to patients in detail and very thoroughly everything that will happen to them during and after the operation, what the rehabilitation path will be, and what the one who decides to undergo it, trusting the master, will see in the mirror after the operation.
M | Profsoyuznaya |
Moscow, YuZAO р-н, Нахимовский проспект, д. 56 | |
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