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Training of cosmetologists, contour plastic surgery, thread lifting. “My employee looks so good at work! She is forty, and her skin shows almost no signs of aging. That’s how I wish it was!” The reason for this is high-quality and proper facial care. By contacting a cosmetologist, you will restore youth to your skin and admire your reflection in the mirror again.
M | Street 1905 |
Moscow, CAO р-н, 2-я Звенигородская, 13, корп. 41 | |
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17.06.2023 Olga
Making an appointment with Marina Koroleva is not as easy as I thought - she has a very busy schedule, you need to plan your visits a month or more in advance in order to get a convenient time. But it's worth it! I gave her Dysport injections (there were wrinkles on my forehead) and corrected my lips. Does very well! The lips are moderately full and look natural. The price is high, but I don't regret it.