Были у Гукаса Самвеловича с мамой на консультации, после которой не осталось и следа сомнения о необходимости блефаропластики. Доктор очень внимательно выслушал пожелания мамы (ей хотелось оставить свою "изюминку" глаз), в деталях все объяснил и показал, как будут выглядеть верхние веки после операции. Очень понравилось чуткое отношение медперсонала от начала до самого конца. Я осталась довольна, что мама смогла оставить свои страхи позади, а она, в свою очередь, результатом!
Читали с подругой отзывы о хирургах, она планирует оперирлваться, как закончит ГВ, и вижу моего Доктора 😍 Гукаса Самвеловича, спасибо Дорогой Доктор, спасибо что сделали мне почти 6 лет назад такую прекрасную грудь 🔥
Здоровья Вашим рукам 😌🙏🏻 все на столько естественно, как я и хотела, просто идеально.
Девочки долго не думайте, идите на консультацию и уверено оперируйте у Миракяна Г.С. По себе знаю, как мучительно выбирала хирурга в самом начале.
После моей абдоминопластики и увеличения груди прошло всего 4 месяца. По меркам моей масштабной коррекции это не такой уж и большой срок. Но что я хочу сказать.... Гукас Самвелович - хирург с душой. Мне кажется, он бы любой самый сложный случай превратил бы в предмет гордости для пациента. Мой живот был сложный. Это и грыжи, и диастаз, и шов от кесарева 12-летней давности, и многослойный "фартук" из кожи и жира. При этом мое желание получить талию))) Плюс еще асимметричная и разная по объему грудь. В общем, мою проблему можно было разделить на 5 частей и раздать пациенткам))) Получилось бы 5 разных женщин с 5 разными проблемами))) А тут я одна с этим вот всем))) Огромное спасибо, дорогой мой доктор. Я от всего сердца Вам благодарна. Вы невероятно крутой хирург! Не перестаю восхищаться Вами и Вашей работой!!!
Я обратилась к пластическому хирургу Гукасу Миракяну для проведения операции по липосакции. Уже на первой консультации врач зарекомендовал себя как грамотный, пунктуальный, общительный специалист. Рассказал в мельчайших подробностях все плюсы и все минусы данной операции. Объяснил всю последовательность проведения, начиная от обследования, заканчивая реабилитацией. Во время работы проявил себя как чуткий, грамотный врач. Операцию провёл великолепно, а реабилитация получилась короткой и вполне комфортной. Огромную благодарность выражаю Гукасу Самвеловичу! Заметила ещё, что помимо пациентов он также тактично относится к персоналу, что, на мой взгляд, характеризует его как профи.
На мой взгляд, человечество придумало лучшее – и это была липосакция. Можно сказать, «удобная» операция и, главное, эффективная. У меня была операция, за один раз липосакцию делала – убирали лишний жир на животе, с боков и на бедрах «ушки». Реабилитация вообще легкая и несложная, какого-то особого дискомфорта не испытывала. Фигура стала как у фитоняшек, так что единственное, что могу теперь делать – хвастаться и хвалить своего хирурга. Мой доктор Гукас Миракян с первой консультации впечатлил, ну а после операции я вообще стала его боготворить. Очень внимательный, тактичный и талантливый – заботится о пациенте всё время, даже в период реабилитации и после него.
I would like to leave a review about a complex operation to restore my figure. The reason for such serious changes in figure was not childbirth, as for many, but hormonal changes in the body, depression and a sedentary lifestyle for 10 years. At first I was treated by psychotherapists and psychologists, then by endocrinologists and nutritionists. And 12 years later I decided to undergo plastic surgery with surgeon Ghukas Mirakyan. I repeat that I completely got rid of all my pathologies and came to the plastic surgeon absolutely healthy. The doctor said that I would have to undergo a thorough examination, including with a psychotherapist))) In general, I came to him with all the certificates))) I was very pleased with his approach... His attitude and his talent, of course. I had an abdominoplasty with a breast lift, as well as eyelid rejuvenation and contouring. This gave an incredible result when all the swelling subsided and all other consequences disappeared. I am very pleased with my external feed, my figure. And now I’m doing everything to maintain the successes achieved and increase them!
Gukas Samvelovich, thank you so much for the corrected breasts! I am happy that I turned to you to correct someone else’s imperfect work. It even seems to me that from the first photograph of your work I realized that you were the very surgeon who would save me - and this is what happened in reality. For repeated mammoplasty, I had to do a lift with the installation of implants, and Dr. Mirakyan did everything so well that there was no trace left of the first unsuccessful operation. Thank you and the entire operating team, I really enjoyed your stay and felt very comfortable!
Petrukhina Maria
Before my consultation with surgeon Ghukas Mirakyan, I thought that having a tummy tuck and breast lift would be like taking a break and then taking a long weekend off for a bit, after which I could resume work, at least from home. I am so grateful to Gukas Samvelovich that he opened my eyes and explained everything so well that I was able to agree in advance at work about a two-week recovery. This helped me not to stress myself to the limit, which often happens in work matters. As I already said, I had a double operation. I had a breast augmentation with an areolar lift and an abdominoplasty at one time. To be honest, I find the recovery from this type of surgery quite tedious. For the first three days I needed help with almost everything, even getting out of bed. But the results are too good to even think about now.
In April, I had breast augmentation surgery, or rather, the implants were replaced with a larger size. I'm delighted with the results! Dr. Ghukas Mirakyan, with whom I had my surgery, is very sincere in his approach, his honesty and helpful advice are very helpful, and he has such a calming atmosphere)) He listens and thinks about your interests. His assistants are also very professional and provide a safe environment at every stage of the procedure. I highly recommend this surgeon! He's excellent!
Just last month I had liposuction on my hands with Gukas Mirakyanai and I want to thank him! Thank you so much, you helped me regain my self-confidence! Previously, because of the fullness of my arms, I was embarrassed to wear blouses with short sleeves, I was worried that everything would shake like jelly. But you were able to perform the operation on me in such a way that the excess fat went away, the skin tightened, and my arms became much thinner! After the operation, I even began to look younger, because my arms became thinner, and the silhouette of my figure itself became slimmer. I am glad that I was lucky to be a patient of Karen Gagikovich, because the doctor is very polite, tactful and, most importantly, a professional in his field.
This review is long overdue. In 2018, I had a simultaneous anchor breast lift and abdominoplasty. I had it done in Moscow with plastic surgeon Gukas Mirakyan. I was amazed (and still am) how little pain I experienced during rehab. Perhaps the painkiller was working so well? But I’m too lazy to talk about rehabilitation; I’ll immediately write about the scar after a tummy tuck. At first I was shocked by the appearance of the cut when the bandages were first removed. He didn't look at all as thin as I expected. But as time passed, other doctors repeatedly commented on how beautiful my scar was. Now he is almost invisible. I was also (oddly) bothered by the weird belly button at first, but it turns out my new one is much cuter! I just had to not run ahead of the locomotive, but patiently wait for the swelling to go away and my new beautiful body to appear. At first, I often cried from happiness and the realization that I had a good figure again. It was exciting to understand, to realize that there would no longer be complexes due to a hanging belly or sagging breasts. I am very glad that I live in a time when plastic surgery can be done not only by a star, but by an ordinary woman who has problems with her figure after childbirth.
I always looked with envy at girls who ate and didn’t get fat. But for some reason I always, even in my youth, had problems with my figure. Moreover, there was no significant excess weight, but the fat itself never seemed to be in a hurry to go away. I struggled for several years with diets and sports, and then I decided to radically solve the problem - I went to a plastic surgeon. I did lipomodeling of my figure and now voila - I have a better figure than any fit girl. The operation was performed by plastic surgeon Gukas Mirakyan, he has a lot of experience in this area. I was satisfied with everything, so now all I have to do is maintain my new figure, which is what I’m going to do.
Flawless result of blepharoplasty. Today is exactly 3 months. Thank you very much, dear Gukas Samvelovich!!!!
After giving birth to 3 children, I was left with loose skin on my abdomen. This was very annoying, embarrassing and, of course, inconvenient. So, I decided to have a tummy tuck and liposuction and the surgery went smoothly. The rehabilitation went without any difficulties because I followed all the recommendations of my plastic surgeon. I highly recommend this surgery to anyone needing postpartum recovery. And, of course, contact only professionals. I had surgery with Ghukas Mirakyan, I recommend him as a qualified, experienced and caring plastic surgeon. You can trust him with your body.
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July 2022
10 punktów
Super Poleca master: TakМесяц назад я прошла увеличение груди имплантами и не могу нарадоваться полученному результату! Я посетила консультацию у доктора Гукаса Миракяна, где обсудила свою проблему, которая мучила меня долгие годы. От приема остались положительные впечатления: все было профессионально, понятно и по существу.