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Марина Подлесных (Moscow) Kreator wizerunku

Usługi i ceny master Марина Подлесных (5)

Analiza garderoby (1)
Analiza garderoby 10000 rub
Zakupy ze stylistą (1)
Zakupy ze stylistą 15000 rub
Osobisty Lookbook (1)
Osobisty Lookbook 15000 rub
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Марина Подлесных

My name is Marina and I am a personal image stylist. I help you express your individuality and find your own style in clothing. I create stylish looks for any budget. Images are never repeated. I transform women, giving them the opportunity to feel like Cinderella. I analyze my appearance and do a wardrobe analysis. Shopping support. I will organize photo sessions for you in accordance with the chosen concept. I work in cinema. I write for fashion and style magazines. Winner of the stylist competition at the Slava Zaitsev Fashion House. I conduct master classes and bachelorette parties. I give lectures at the Fashion Museum and at the Flacon Design Factory.

I take part in commercial filming. She worked as an assistant stylist at the TNT television channel. Author and creator of the project "Connection of Generations". The project was created for children and parents. The goal is to instill in participants a sense of style, develop in them a love and craving for beauty. The idea is to unite and unite the family.

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