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Резеда Атаевна Мурзаева (Moscow) Chirurg plastyczny

Usługi i ceny master Резеда Атаевна Мурзаева (8)

Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy (3)
Blepharoplastyka 50000 rub
Otoplastyka 27000 rub
Lifting operacyjny twarzy 160000 rub
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała (1)
Operacja plastyczna brzucha 200000 rub
Mammoplastyka (chirurgia plastyczna piersi) (2)
Powiększenie piersi 250000 rub
Lipofilling piersi 50000 rub
Plastyka stref intymnych (2)
Waginoplastyka 50000 rub
Labioplastyka 50000 rub
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Резеда Атаевна Мурзаева

I consider it my duty to help patients achieve harmony of soul and body. I successfully use all modern methods of correcting aesthetic imperfections of the face and body. Ask any woman what “being beautiful” means to her. Half will answer that this is an impeccable appearance, ideal proportions. The other half will answer - to be desired. I agree with the second one. A girl or woman can be desirable by accepting and loving herself as she is, believing in her exclusivity and irresistibility. My task is to rid the fair sex of various kinds of complexes that prevent them from being self-confident.

Opcje recepcji

W salonie
Moscow, CAO dist, ул. Воронцовская, 8, стр. 5
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja w salonie

M Taganskaya
Moscow, CAO р-н, ул. Воронцовская, 8, стр. 5
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (969) 082-...
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