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Наталья Алексеева (Moscow) Podolog

Usługi i ceny master Наталья Алексеева (11)

Pielęgnacja paznokci u rąk (2)
Manicure klasyczny (obszyty) 700 rub
Manicure sprzętowy 1000 rub
Pielęgnacja stóp (9)
Pedicure na sucho 1500 rub
Pedicure z parafiną 500 rub
Usuwanie modzeli
Leczenie wrastających paznokci
Leczenie grzybicy paznokci
Pielęgnacja pięt
Protetyka paznokcia
Usuwanie odcisków
Połącz taryfę

Наталья Алексеева

The opportunity to help people is what inspires me most in my profession. I am incredibly happy that 17 years ago I began my journey in the field of nail service as an esthete; it became a great pleasure for me to make people beautiful. Over time, delving deeper into my business, I began to realize that manicures and pedicures are not only for beauty, but also for health. As experience has shown, people have a lot of problems related to the health of their hands and feet, which they are unlikely to be able to solve on their own, and decorative coating will not help the matter.

Opcje recepcji

W salonie
Moscow, CAO dist, Земляной вал, 39/1, под. 1, офис 1
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja w salonie

M Chkalovskaya
Moscow, CAO р-н, Земляной вал, 39/1, под. 1, офис 1
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (926) 920-...
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