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Анастасия Сайбель - opinie

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Co myślą klienci Анастасия Сайбель



Okres wizyt:
February 2021

4.2 punktu

Źle Poleca master: Nie

In my opinion, this doctor absolutely does not know how to do lip contouring. In 21, I turned to her on the recommendation of my doctor from the same clinic, but a branch in another city. Now it seems to me that this “recommendation” was of the same poor quality as the result of the work. Probably, the doctors of the clinic just wanted to “make money.” My request was this: “I would like to even out the asymmetry, the lower lip was a little larger than the upper, and add volume to both.” The natural shape of my upper lip is, as they called it, “gull wing,” that is, with a clear bend. They convinced us that it was better to preserve this nature. The drug with a volume of 1.2 ml, Korean, from the company “artfiller” was chosen. And for some reason, she forced almost the entire volume into her upper lip, although the tissues were clearly not ready for such violence. As a result, the upper lip became clearly larger than the lower lip. The natural shape of the lips was preserved, but in such volume it did not suit the face at all; the result of the manipulation clearly aged the face. At various stages of healing, I also went to the doctor expressing my doubts about the shape and symmetry, the top clearly stood out and was crooked, to which at first I received answers in the spirit of “wait, everything will come back to normal, it will be beautiful.” After a month, it still didn’t come back into good shape, the doctor suggested injecting the drug to reduce it for free. I came to the appointment again, they advised me to wait and massage. Over time, the form also did not improve. Maybe to some my result will seem quite tolerable, without obvious deformities, maybe even to some it will seem beautiful, but, to be honest, for 18 thousand rubles, and I think this price tag is slightly higher than the average for Moscow, it would be possible and the result will be more than tolerable. And it turns out that with my nature, it really could have been done much better. I was convinced of this by using the services of another doctor. Over time, the middle of the upper lip “sagged”; the drug was injected too deeply, as they explained to me.

  • Procedura: Lip contouring
  • Okres wizyt: February 2021
  • Poleca master: Nie
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