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Светлана Шульпина (Moscow) Psycholog

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Светлана Шульпина

Hello! my name is Svetlana Shulpina, I am an astrologer, tarot reader, I advise on various issues on which you can contact me in areas of life that interest you and order services

personal birth horoscope - or natal chart, which contains the fateful events given to you at birth, a horoscope of compatibility with a partner - synastry, this type of service is suitable for both married couples and beginning romantic relationships, this also includes all our relationships with colleagues, friends, relatives and children, I also consult in such areas of astrology as - career guidance - to help the client understand in which area to develop, both to ensure that work brings joy and satisfaction, and to attract income, medical astrology - analysis chronic diseases and their prevention, as well as calculation of traumatic periods in life, astrological forecast for the period of interest - for the current situation and its dynamics in the future, forecast for the coming year, long-term forecast, electoral astrology - selection of a favorable date, including the choice of date weddings or operations and other important events, solarium, including the selection of solarium, horary - express question and answer, horoscope of personal life - includes both analysis - why personal life is not working out, and what type of partner is most suitable for the client, where to meet a life partner, what mistakes are made when building relationships, when marriage is likely and what prevents it, horoscope rectification - calculate the exact time of birth - based on known events of the past, moving horoscope - where to go in order to harmonize this or that area of ​​life, what awaits you new place of residence and other astrological services, a comprehensive personal approach and corporate outings are also possible.

as well as fortune telling using Tarot, Maria Lenormand and other various decks, which are selected depending on the situation and layout you are interested in. Tarot cards help you view the development of a particular problem that worries you, identify its causes, and also analyze what circumstances can change in the negative direction of the issue under consideration, what positive factors can influence its improvement, what can be done to change it, but tarot is also used not only for fortune telling for the future, but also for analyzing past events that carry the imprint of the unknown, also tarot cards very well show love themes - the attitude of another person towards the querent, his thoughts, feelings, subconscious attitudes and actions, what will happen between the two people, layouts for the development of personal life, fortune telling for love, tarot can also be used in the field of personality analysis, consideration of the situation, relationships with other people, career areas, business areas and financial well-being and stability of material wealth, to diagnose the presence of negativity, someone You will be interested in karmic alignments, but for some it is more important to consider all everyday issues, prognosis for a certain period of life, hidden and unaccounted factors of various situations and all other areas of our life.

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U specjalisty w domu
Moscow, метро Бауманская
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Пн 10:00 – 0:00
Вт 10:00 – 0:00
Ср 10:00 – 0:00
Чт 10:00 – 0:00
Пт 10:00 – 0:00
Сб 10:00 – 0:00
Вс 10:00 – 0:00
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Moscow, метро Бауманская
Pokaż grafikę
Pon 10:00 – 0:00
Wt 10:00 – 0:00
Śr 10:00 – 0:00
Czw 10:00 – 0:00
Pt 10:00 – 0:00
Sob 10:00 – 0:00
Niedz 10:00 – 0:00
+7 (926) 284-...
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