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Татьяна Осадченко - opinie

Ranking 10

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Co myślą klienci Татьяна Осадченко



Okres wizyt:
October 2022

10 punktów

Super Poleca master: Tak

Tatyana is an excellent specialist, a master of her craft. I am grateful to the Universe 🙏 for getting to her. The work is carried out very efficiently and without errors. He tells me about the problem in detail and helps me solve it so that I don’t have such problems with my legs anymore. The main thing is to listen. Gave the necessary instructions for the prevention of treatment of ingrown toenails. The atmosphere in the office is warm☕. The best specialist 🔥 for working with complex feet and nails. Advice from me: - choose a worthy specialist for yourself so that you don’t do any harm. Nowadays there are so many “podiatrists” divorced 😟, sorry for the harshness. -If Tatyana said, change your shoes, listen to her. After the first appointment, I didn’t listen. I thought what kind of bret. I'm comfortable in my krasovki. Now I can say that I feel comfortable in my new sneakers and my feet feel comfortable. There is one minus, you need to make an appointment in advance and plan a visit to Tatyana. Tatyana, I will thank you all the time.🙏🙏🙏 Thank you🙏💕

  • Procedura: Now I only do pedicures.
  • Okres wizyt: October 2022
  • Poleca master: Tak


Okres wizyt:
October 2022

10 punktów

Super Poleca master: Tak

Tatyana is an excellent specialist, a master of her craft. I am grateful to the Universe 🙏 for getting to her. The work is carried out very efficiently and without errors. He tells me about the problem in detail and helps me solve it so that I don’t have such problems with my legs anymore. The main thing is to listen 👂. Gave the necessary instructions for the prevention of treatment of ingrown toenails. The atmosphere in the office is warm☕. The best specialist 🔥 for working with complex feet and nails. Advice from me: - choose a worthy specialist for yourself so that you don’t do any harm. Now there are so many “podiatrists” divorced 🤦‍♀️😟, sorry for the harshness. -If Tatyana said, change your shoes, listen to her. After the first appointment, I didn’t listen. I thought what kind of bret. I'm comfortable in my krasovki. Now I can say that I am comfortable in new sneakers and my feet are comfortable👣💃. - if Tatyana said, you need a custom insole, then it’s necessary. There is one minus 🤣, you need to sign up immediately and plan a time to get to the procedure. Tatyana, I will thank you all the time.🙏🙏🙏 Thank you🙏💕

  • Procedura: Now I just do a pedicure, since all the problems have been solved.
  • Okres wizyt: October 2022
  • Poleca master: Tak
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