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Ирина Васильева (Moscow) Specjalista od tatuażu

Usługi i ceny master Ирина Васильева (9)

Tatuaż (9)
Makijaż permanentny brwi metodą pudrową 10000 rub
Makijaż permanentny brwi metodą cieniowania 10000 rub
Tatuaż na usta 10000 rub
Makijaż permanentny ust 3D 12000 rub
Permanentna kreska dekoracyjna 11000 rub
Kreska cieniowana - makijaż permanentny 12000 rub
Kreska górna w linii rzęs 10000 rub
Brwi permanentne 10000 rub
Microblading 10000 rub
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Ирина Васильева

Teaching is light, ignorance is darkness! Do you agree with me? A high-quality result is the result of a specialist’s hard work! High-quality training and advanced training are an integral part of the job, the key to success and your safety! What could be more valuable than a face for a woman? There are never too many diplomas. Training will never be superfluous! If I could take all my diplomas and certificates from different trainings and conferences in one hand, and at the same time this stack would look beautiful in the photo. . . I would do it. Appreciate and take care of your faces!

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