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Виктория Мартынова (Moscow) Kreator wizerunku

Usługi i ceny master Виктория Мартынова (5)

Analiza garderoby (1)
Analiza garderoby 1000 rub
Zakupy ze stylistą (1)
Zakupy ze stylistą 1500 rub
Osobisty Lookbook (1)
Osobisty Lookbook 1000 rub
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Виктория Мартынова

As a teenager, I redesigned my old and mother’s clothes to suit myself. For graduation, I selected looks and drew dresses for my friends, and helped with the selection of fabric for sewing. By first education, I am a public relations specialist, this helps me interact with specialists at different levels and create high-quality and relevant content for social media. networks. I collaborate with hairdressing studios and make-up artists. My continuous interest in fashion has allowed me to find a profession that brings me pleasure. All my friends ask for help in choosing both a budget image and for advice on what to consider and where it’s best to buy what. I constantly monitor trends, so I can gently and permanently introduce them into your wardrobe. Your appearance is a dialogue with society. I can find your individual style and help you express it to the outside world. Learn how to create a smart wardrobe without extra costs. I use my iPhone to shoot ready-made bows in beautiful locations to make it doubly beautiful for you.

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