Usługi i ceny master Юлия Островская (7)
Kosmetyka twarzy
Klasyczny masaż twarzy
Masaż limfatyczny twarzy
Masaż i SPA
Antycellulitowy masaż ciała
Masaż leczniczy
Masaż leczniczy
Masaż sportowy
Masaż dla dzieci
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Юлия Островская
Good afternoon
I have been working as a massage therapist for 15 years, I love my job, I enjoy going there. It's nice when there is a result. At work, I look at what worries the client, and try to apply more, depending on the situation.
I recommend trying one session first, then decide how suitable this technique is for you, whether you would like this result. Everything is individual.
I don’t take men on house calls