Kosmetyka twarzy (20) | |
Atraumatyczne oczyszczanie twarzy | 3800 rub |
Oczyszczanie twarzy Holy Land | 3800 rub |
Maska alginatowa | 1000 rub |
Leczenie trądziku | od 2700 rub |
Mechaniczne oczyszczanie twarzy | 4000 rub |
Peeling chemiczny | |
Peeling glikolowy | 5400 rub |
Peeling retinowy (żółty) | 6500 rub |
Peeling salicylowy | 4500 rub |
Kwas migdałowy na twarz | 3900 rub |
Peeling kwasem TCA | 6500 rub |
Peeling kwasem pirogronowym | 9800 rub |
Mezoterapia twarzy | od 5200 rub |
Biorewitalizacja skóry twarzy | od 7600 rub |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy | |
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy | od 11200 rub |
Korekcja bruzdy nosowo-łzowej | 15100 rub |
Zastrzyki z botoksu na twarz | od 7100 rub |
Nici liftingujące (mezowątki) | od 11800 rub |
Kriomasaż twarzy | od 1000 rub |
Pielęgnacja ciała (2) | |
Oczyszczanie skóry pleców | 7700 rub |
Leczenie nadpotliwości botoksem | od 14000 rub |
Odbudowa i rekonstrukcja włosa (2) | |
Trychologia | od 2500 rub |
Mezoterapia włosów | od 5100 rub |
The scientific dermatological center “Retinoids” is more than 20 years old. Over the years of operation, the Center has managed to acquire a reputation as one of the leading dermatological centers in Moscow. Experienced dermatologists diagnose and treat skin and hair diseases. At the Center you can undergo all the necessary tests for an accurate diagnosis, remove tumors, and also undergo a full course of treatment.
M | Enthusiasts Highway | ||||||||||||||
Плеханова, д. 4, строение 3 | |||||||||||||||
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+7 (916) 680-...
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23.01.2023 Anna
I visited various centers, but I have visited this center several times already. I like the service there. I signed up for mechanical facial cleansing - they did it very well, the skin lightening was immediately noticeable. I also took a risk here and decided to have lip augmentation. Thanks to the master - I managed to choose the right shape so that they looked more neat.