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Nizhny Novgorod

Катерина Сигаева (Nizhny Novgorod) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Катерина Сигаева (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 1000 rub
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Катерина Сигаева

A child psychologist is a very important specialist for children of different ages. Psychological problems quite often underlie somatic manifestations, behavioral disorders and poor educational performance. Working with a psychologist will help the child cope with fears, increased anxiety, and complexes.
Main areas of work:
- Psychodiagnostics - the study of mental functions: perception, attention, memory, thinking, intellectual capabilities of the child, emotional state, orientation of his personality and motivation.
- Determination of the level of readiness for primary school.
- Individual and group (developmental, correctional) classes with children from 3 years old.
What problems can a child psychologist help with:
- Fears, anxiety.
- Shyness.
- Aggression.
- Conflict.
- Difficulty communicating with peers.
- Difficult adaptation to kindergarten.
- Psychotraumatic situations in the family (quarrels, parental divorce, moving).

Opcje recepcji

U specjalisty w domu
Nizhny Novgorod, Kanavinsky dist, улица Карла Маркса, 44
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja domowa

M Strelka
Nizhny Novgorod, Kanavinsky р-н, улица Карла Маркса, 44
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (930) 807-...
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