Usługi i ceny salon Евроклиник (88)
Kosmetyka twarzy
Klasyczny masaż twarzy
Zabiegi fizjoterapii na twarz
Masaż limfatyczny twarzy
Peeling twarzy
Oczyszczanie twarzy
Zastrzyk dla skóry
Kosmetyka sprzętowa do odmładzania twarzy
Zabiegi fizjoterapii na twarz
Miostymulacja twarzy
Kosmetyka sprzętowa do odmładzania twarzy
Mikroprądy twarzy
Nici liftingujące (mezowątki)
Biorewitalizacja skóry twarzy
Mikroprądy twarzy
Zastrzyki z botoksu na twarz
Eliminacja niedoskonałości estetycznych
Zastrzyki Dysport
Maski kosmetyczne
Zastrzyki wypełniające zmarszczki
Leczenie trądziku
Masaż twarzy
Miostymulacja twarzy
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy
Thermage twarzy
Usuwanie nowotworów
Usuwania trądziku różowatego
Fotoodmładzanie twarzy
Laserowe odmładzanie twarzy
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy
Wybielanie zębów
Odmładzanie twarzy Elosa
Masaż limfatyczny twarzy
Masaż próżniowy twarzy
Wybielanie zębów
Konsultacje indywidualne
Konsultacje indywidualne
Konsultacje indywidualne
Konsultacje indywidualne
Masaż i SPA
Masaż dla dzieci
Masaż leczniczy
Masaż ciała
Masaż i SPA
Rzeźbienie ciała
Rzeźbienie ciała
Masaż rolkowo-próżniowy
Bandaże na ciało
Usługi dietetyczne
Usługi dietetyczne
Usuwanie włosów
Woskowanie dla kobiet
Laserowa depilacja dla kobiet
Pielęgnacja ciała
Mezoterapia ciała
Pielęgnacja ciała
Odbudowa i rekonstrukcja włosa
Plazmolifting skóry głowy
Odbudowa i rekonstrukcja włosa
Chirurgia plastyczna ciała
Strzyżenie i stylizacja włosów
Strzyżenie dla dzieci
Tatuaż i piercing
Przekłuwanie uszu
Zabieg dentystyczny
Zabieg dentystyczny
Leczenie kanałowe
Leczenie próchnicy zębów
Wypełnienie stomatologiczne
Leczenie próchnicy zębów
Odbudowa zębów
Montaż stałego aparatu ortodontycznego
Protetyka stomatologiczna
Profilaktyka chorób zębów
Profesjonalne czyszczenie zębów
Profilaktyka chorób zębów
Chirurgia stomatologiczna
Implanty zębowe
Ekstrakcja zęba
Leczenie torbieli stomatologicznej
Leczenie dziąseł
Leczenie dziąseł
Pielęgnacja stóp
Proteza paznokcia
Diagnostyka stomatologiczna
RTG zębów
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy
Chirurgia plastyczna twarzy
Stomatologia estetyczna
Wybielanie endodontyczne
Stomatologia estetycznaЭстетическая стоматология
Połącz taryfę
Medical center, clinic, Dental clinic, Cosmetology
There is a children's office, for children, piercing, wi-fi, gift certificate, payment by card, a doctor visiting your home, there are children's specialists, a coronavirus test
Epilation/depilation: photoepilation, waxing
Cosmetology services: darsonvalization, medical cosmetology, biorevitalization, biolifting, anti-age procedures, mesotherapy, acne treatment, Juvederm, Botox, photorejuvenation, lifting, hardware facial cosmetology, facial care, biocurrent therapy, ultrasound, biothreads, thermage, myostimulation, contouring plastic surgery, removal of tumors, peeling, body care, removal of vascular defects, injection procedures, surjiderm, skin cleansing, plasma lifting, Restylane/Perline, ultrasonic liposuction, dysport, hair removal, collagen, fractional thermolysis, ultraphonophoresis, vacuum massager, non-surgical skin lifting, hardware myolifting, figure correction, facial massage, teeth whitening
For the figure: peeling, wrapping, elos technology, vacuum treatment, ultrasound treatment, myostimulation, lymphatic drainage
Services: surgery, aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, implantology, radiography, orthodontics, maxillofacial surgery, prosthetics, therapy, frenuloplasty, filling, tooth extraction, whitening, caries treatment, veneers, braces, dental hygiene, crowns, gum treatment, canal treatment , bone grafting, periodontitis treatment, dental cyst treatment, dental restoration
Types of cosmetology: aesthetic cosmetology, laser cosmetology, medical cosmetology, hardware cosmetology
Certificates provided: exchange card, sick leave, health resort card, certificate for employment, study, swimming pool certificate
Diagnostic methods: 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, biopsy, ECG, endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, fluorography, esophagogastroscopy, echocardiography, Dopplerography, colonoscopy, ultrasound, X-ray, LHC, ELISA, PCR
Doctors and specialists: infectious disease specialist, surgeon, traumatologist, pulmonologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, radiologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, massage therapist, mammologist, cosmetologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, andrologist, urologist, neurologist, nephrologist, gastroenterologist, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, endocrinologist, oncologist, orthopedist, psychologist, otorhinolaryngologist, allergist, dentist, therapist, phlebologist, trichologist, reproductive specialist, dermatovenerologist, gynecologist, angiosurgeon
Specialization of the clinic: infectious diseases, gynecology, endocrinology, surgery, angiology, mammology, trichology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, gastroenterology, bacteriology, orthopedics, ophthalmology, pediatrics, therapeutic services, dentistry, andrology, venereology, psychology and psychotherapy, dietetics, cosmetology, traumatology, pulmonology, genetics, cardiology, allergology, immunology, oncology, diagnostics, medical certificates, phlebology, neurology, nephrology, urology, obstetrics
Medical services: Installation of abutments, Aerotherapy, Activation and correction of bracket system elements, Activation and correction of the orthodontic apparatus, Obstetrics and gynecology, Allergological studies, Outpatient and general surgery, Analysis of stool for dysbacteriosis, Analysis of stool for occult blood, Analysis of stool for helminth eggs , Blood test for albumin, Blood test for protein fractions, Blood test for electrolytes, Blood test for creatinine, Blood test for urea, Blood test for uric acid, Blood test for the presence of heavy metals and trace elements, Blood test for total protein, Urine test for alpha-amylase (diastase), Urine analysis for creatinine, Analysis for albumin in 24-hour urine, Urine analysis for total protein, Urinalysis according to Nechiporenko, Analysis for adenoviral infection, Determination of ACTH in the blood, Analysis for aldosterone in the blood, Analysis for alpha -1-antitrypsin, Analysis for pancreatic alpha-amylase, Analysis for alpha-amylase, Analysis for allergens of fungi and mold (1 allergen), Analysis for allergens of insects and their poisons (1 allergen), Analysis for tissue allergens (1 allergen), Test for ALT, Test for antibodies to citrullinated vimentin, Test for Kell antigens, Test for anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), Test for antinuclear factor (ANF), Test for IgA antibodies to adenovirus, Test for IgG antibodies to Candida, Test for antibodies to β-cells of the pancreas, Test for antibodies to antigens of the endocrine pancreas, Test for antibodies to thyroid antigens, Determination of antibodies to C1q in blood serum, Test for antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis IgG, Test for antibodies to double-stranded DNA (ds DNA) , Test for antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase (GAD), Test for antibodies to insulin, Test for antibodies to Jo-1, Test for antibodies to TSH receptors (AB to rTSH), Test for antibodies to Sm, Test for antibodies to thyroglobulin (AT- TG), Analysis for antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO), Analysis for total antibodies to Treponema pallidum, Determination of antibodies to the cytoplasm of neutrophils (ANCA) in the blood, Analysis for apolipoprotein A1, Analysis for apolipoprotein B, Determination of antistreptolysin-O, Analysis for AST, Biogenic amines test, CA 15 determination, Eosinophil cationic protein test, Ferritin test, Folic acid test, Blood phosphorus test, Urine phosphorus test, Fructosamine test, Haptoglobin test, GGT test, Test for homocysteine, Test for gonorrhea, Test for Helicobacter pylori infection, Test for chlamydia, Test for chlorine in the blood, Test for chlorine in the urine, Test for LDL cholesterol, Test for HDL cholesterol, Test for cholinesterase, Study of the level of serum immunoglobulins in the blood IgA , Analysis for immunoglobulin E (IgE), Study of the level of serum immunoglobulins in the blood IgG, Analysis for immunoglobulins, Determination of insulin in the blood, Analysis for ionized calcium, Analysis for total calcium, Determination of calcitonin in the blood, Analysis for candidiasis, Analysis for catecholamines in the blood , Analysis for catecholamines in urine, Analysis for acid phosphatase, Determination of cortisol in the blood, Analysis for creatine kinase-MB, Analysis for creatine kinase, Study of the level of cryoglobulins in blood serum, Analysis for lactate (lactic acid), Analysis for LDH (lactate dehydrogenase), Analysis for lipase, Determination of lipoproteins in blood serum, Analysis for lipoprotein (a), Analysis for LVSS, Analysis for magnesium in urine, Analysis for markers of allergic reactions, Analysis for markers of antiphospholipid syndrome, Analysis for markers of autoimmune infertility, Analysis for markers of autoimmune endocrinopathies, Analysis for markers of autoimmune lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, Analysis for markers of rheumatoid arthritis, Analysis for markers of systemic vasculitis and kidney damage, Analysis for markers of systemic connective tissue diseases, Analysis for catecholamine metabolites in urine, Analysis for mycoplasma infection, Analysis for myoglobin, Analysis for urea in urine, Analysis for uric acid in urine, Analysis for total bilirubin, Determination of cholesterol in blood serum, Analysis for oxalates in urine, Analysis for CVS, Analysis for pepsinogen II, Analysis for food allergens (1 allergen), Analysis for sex hormones, Determination proinsulin in the blood, Determination of parathyroid hormone in the blood, Test for renin in the blood, Test for rheumatoid factor (RF), Determination of C-peptide in the blood, Test for C3 component of the complement system, Test for C4 component of the complement system, Test for alkaline phosphatase, Analysis for syphilis, Determination of somatomedin-C in the blood, Analysis for specific proteins and markers of inflammation, Determination of GH in the blood, Test for transferrin, Test for triglycerides, Test for trichomoniasis, Test for troponins, Test for ceruloplasmin, Test for zinc in the blood, Test for ureaplasma infection, Test for herpes simplex virus type 1, 2, Test for vitamin A, Test for vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), Test for vitamin D (25-OH-D), Test for vitamins, Test for lupus anticoagulant (LA) ), HPV (papillomavirus) analysis, Selected allergen analysis, Household allergen panel analysis, Fungal allergen panel analysis, Food allergen panel analysis, Respiratory allergen panel analysis, Pediatric allergen panel analysis, C-reactive protein determination, TORCH analysis, Hair analysis microelements, Hair analysis for the presence of heavy metals and microelements, Hair analysis for drugs, Tests for fungal infections, Androgen profile, Andrology, Treatment using the Brückl apparatus, Treatment using the Herbst apparatus, Hardware hair treatment in trichology, Application of topical anesthesia, Bacteriological research stool, Bacteriological examination of urine for microflora, Cupping massage, Biochemical studies of proteins, Biochemical studies, Biochemical blood test, Biochemical urine test, Biochemical analysis of sperm, Biomicroscopy of the eye, Biopsies, Endometrial biopsy, Biopsy of the genitourinary system, Prostate biopsy, Cervical biopsy , Spinal block, Block of the spermatic cord, Joint block, Installation of braces, Installation of clasp dentures, Darsonvalization in physiotherapy, Darsonvalization of the scalp, Dermatology, Children's massage, Diagnostic operations, Diagnostics in ophthalmology, Diagnostics, Diagnostics in dentistry, Diagnostics of hair diseases, Diagnosis of viral infections, Duplex scanning of the arteries of the upper / lower extremities, Duplex scanning of the renal arteries, Duplex scanning of the vessels, Duplex scanning of the veins, Duplex scanning of the veins of the upper extremities, Echocardiography (EchoCG), Echosclerotherapy, Electrophysiological studies of the cardiovascular system, Electrophysiological studies, Electrocardiography ( ECG), Electrocoagulation of papillomas, Electrocoagulation of formations, Electrotherapy, Endocrinology, Endoscopic studies, Endoscopy of the genitourinary system, Endoscopy of the digestive system, Endovasal laser coagulation of varicose veins, Aesthetic dentistry, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy, Physiotherapy, Phlebology, Foam-form sclerotherapy of varicose veins, Folliculometer ya, Gastroenterological studies, Gastroenterology, Genetic studies, Genetic test to determine kinship, Fissure sealing, Gynecological massage, Gingivectomy, Hypnotherapy, Plaster casts, soft fixation of injuries, Hysteroscopy, Histological studies, Histological examination of a biopsy specimen, Histological examination of a biopsy specimen of the female genital organs, Histological examination of the endometrium , Deep fluoridation of enamel, Glucose tolerance test, Purulent operations, Hormonal studies, Treatment using a lip bumper, Chemical-toxicological studies, Surgical treatment of wounds, Surgical ophthalmology, Surgical periodontology, Surgical dressing, Surgical dentistry, Surgical manipulations in dentistry, Surgical excision of atheroma, Surgical excision of lipoma, Surgical excision of callus, Surgical excision of formations, Surgical treatment of pathology of the conjunctiva of the eye, Surgical treatment of pathology of the cornea, Surgical treatment of pathology of the eyelids, HLA typing class II, HLA typing, Immunohematological studies, Screening immunological examination, Immunological studies, Implantation of protective membranes, Dental implantation, Installation of a custom abutment, Drug injections, Injections, Injection procedures in trichology, Longidase injection, Chalazion injection, Infiltration anesthesia in dentistry, Infusions, Inhalation therapy, Bladder instillation, Correction of entropion, Scar excision, Scar excision and benign neoplasms, Study of the function of the pituitary gland and pineal gland, Study of the function of the adrenal glands, Study of the function of the parathyroid glands, Study of the function of the pancreas, Study of the function of the thyroid gland, Study of the function of external respiration, Study of hs CRP by a highly sensitive method, Study of demodex eyelashes / skin, Study of iron metabolism, Prostate Secretion Study, C-Reactive Protein Study, Complement Level Study, Enzyme Studies, Lipid Metabolism Studies, Bone Metabolism Studies, Allergen Panel Analysis, Selected Bacterial Infection Studies, Environmental Studies, Carbohydrate Metabolism Studies, Urogenital Tract Studies, Bile Pigment Studies and acids, Selective grinding, Making a diagnostic model for correcting occlusion, Making a diagnostic model for dental prosthetics, Making a surgical template, Making a dental impression, Measuring intraocular pressure, Isolated methods for treating varicose veins, Removing a foreign body from the vagina, Cardiology, Karyotyping with aberrations, Karyotyping, Bladder catheterization, Bladder catheterization in men, Bladder catheterization in women, Caesarean section, Classical massage, Clinical fecal tests, Clinical blood tests, Clinical urine tests, Clinical laboratory tests, Clinical blood test with leukocyte formula, Coagulogram, Coagulological tests, Coagulation of nasal vessels, Colonoscopy, Simple colposcopy, Colposcopy, Comprehensive oncological examination, Comprehensive laboratory tests, Comprehensive examination programs (check up), Consultations in obstetrics and gynecology, Consultations in andrology, Consultations in dermatology, Consultations in endocrinology, Consultations in gastroenterology, Consultations in surgery, Consultations in cardiology, Consultations in mammology, Consultations in nephrology, Consultations in neurology, Consultations in general therapy, Consultations in ophthalmology, Consultations in oncology, Consultations in otolaryngology, Consultations in pediatrics, Consultations in psychiatry and psychotherapy, Consultations in pulmonology, Consultations in dentistry, Consultations in trichology, Consultations in urology, Consultations in venereology, Repeated consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist, Appointment with an obstetrician-gynecologist, Appointment with an andrologist, Repeated appointment with a dermatologist, Consultation with a pediatric dentist, Repeated appointment with an endocrinologist, Appointment with an endocrinologist, Appointment with an endoscopist, Appointment with a gastroenterologist , Consultation with a surgeon, Repeated consultation with a cardiologist, Appointment with a cardiologist, Consultation with a mammologist-oncologist, Appointment with a chiropractor, Appointment with a nephrologist, Repeated consultation with a neurologist, Appointment with a neurologist, Repeated consultation with an ophthalmologist, Appointment with an ophthalmologist, Appointment with an oncologist, Consultation with an orthodontist, Appointment with an otolaryngologist, Appointment with a pediatrician, Consultation psychologist, Appointment with a pulmonologist, Consultation with a dental surgeon, Consultation with a dentist-implantologist, Consultation with an orthopedic dentist, Appointment with a dentist, Consultation with a therapist, Appointment with a trichologist, Appointment with a venereologist, Contact vision correction, Contact tonometry of the eye, Contraception, Installation of a ceramic crown, Installation of a metal-ceramic crown, Installation of a solid crown, Installation of a temporary crown, Installation of crowns, Cosmetic phlebology, Cosmetic dental restoration, Cryodestruction of the cervix, Cryodestruction of formations, Curettage of the tooth socket, Laboratory studies, Laser coagulation of blood vessels, Laser teeth whitening, Medical blockades, Manipulations to stop nosebleeds, Therapeutic procedures in ophthalmology, Therapeutic prostate massage, Operations for bartholinitis, Treatment of hyperhidrosis, Treatment of deep caries, Treatment of caries, Treatment of superficial caries, Treatment of medium caries, Ultrasound therapy, Hair treatment procedures, Treatment of dental canals, Medicinal inhalation, Lymphatic drainage massage (pressotherapy) , Lithos test, Treatment using a face bow, Treatment using a face mask, Treatment using an LM-activator, Longuet bandage for injuries, ENT procedures and manipulations, Magnetic therapy, Mammology, Manipulations in andrology, Manipulations in mammology, Manipulations in traumatology, Manipulations in urology, Manual therapy, MAR test (for antisperm antibodies), Markers of autoimmune diseases, Markers of kidney function, Therapeutic massage, Medical massage, Smear for flora in women, Medicinal treatment of the root canal, Mechanical treatment of the root canal, Microbiological studies, Microsclerotherapy . stool test, complete blood count, O