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Dentyści Kalininsky dzielnica

Znaleziono 1 specjalista

na Barb już 20 miesięcy

W salonie:
Novosibirsk, Kalininsky dist ,
​Богдана Хмельницкого, 42

Zobacz na mapie
1 dzwonek

Only a critical attitude towards your work, towards yourself, allows you to achieve certain successes, only in this way can you achieve quality. Completed training at the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education NSMU of the Ministry of Health of Russia in the residency center of the department of postgraduate education in the specialty "Therapeutic Dentistry". He completed his residency with...



Wszystkie specjalista na mapie Novosibirsk

1200-12000 RUR

Ocena 4.9 na podstawie 42 Google opinie

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