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Анастасия А. (Novosibirsk) Psycholog

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Анастасия А.

I am a psychologist with a specialized higher education and more than 590 hours of in-depth training. For more than two years now, I have been helping people become happy and productive by relieving their psychological problems. You can contact me if:
- There are emotions that you want to control (“I take it out on loved ones,” “everything infuriates me,” “I live in stress,” fears, phobias, anxiety);
- You notice changes or bad mood (“I give up, I don’t want to do anything”, “I often cry for no reason”, “I don’t want to communicate with anyone”, “I’m not interested in anything”);
- You are worried about asthma, headaches, allergies and other bodily symptoms;
- Do you want to understand yourself better (“I don’t know what I want”, “I want to understand myself”, “I want to improve my personal life”, “There’s something wrong with me”).

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