Kosmetyka twarzy (4) | |
Biorewitalizacja skóry twarzy | od 6900 rub |
Zastrzyki z botoksu na twarz | od 330 rub |
Nici liftingujące (mezowątki) | od 33000 rub |
Zastrzyki Dysport | od 100 rub |
Pielęgnacja ciała (1) | |
Leczenie nadpotliwości botoksem | 20000 rub |
My name is Daria Chulkova, I am a cosmetologist, specializing in injection, hardware techniques and thread lifting! Most often, girls and women come to see me with complaints about facial swelling, oval deformation, hollows under the eyes, wrinkles around the eyes, i.e. everything that is associated with natural fading. My ten years of experience have shown that it is the right combination of techniques that gives the maximum result. And this combination is always individual!
M | Marshal Pokryshkin |
Novosibirsk, Central р-н, Крылова, 49 | |
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+7 (913) 469-...
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