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Илья Шаталов (Novosibirsk) Tatuażysta

Usługi i ceny master Илья Шаталов (1)

Tatuaż i piercing (1)
Tatuaż od 2000 rub
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Илья Шаталов

Back in the 90s, I don’t even remember the exact year, I started learning the art of tattooing. In 2008, I started working with several beauty salons, where I was a visiting technician. At that time, everything suited me: I gained experience, studied different techniques. In general, I learned about a world unfamiliar to me. But the moment came when I realized that I was wasting too much of my time, so I wanted to organize my own creative space. This is how my first author's studio appeared. I was captivated. Tattoo festivals, conferences, master classes. Favourite buisness! All this filled my life with bright colors and impressions. Over the 13 years of the studio’s existence, I have gained enormous experience, regular clients, and loyal friends. And then the moment came when I, with this expensive luggage for me, set off to conquer new spaces. This is how my second Author's Studio appeared. Today this is the place where my creative ideas concentrate. Here I am not just a tattoo artist. I am here, first and foremost, an artist. And this is where my ideas come into reality.

Opcje recepcji

W salonie
Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky dist, ​Гусинобродское шоссе, 35
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Opcje recepcji

Recepcja w salonie

Novosibirsk, Dzerzhinsky р-н, ​Гусинобродское шоссе, 35
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (905) 956-...
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