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Софья Зозуля (Novosibirsk) Kreator wizerunku

Usługi i ceny master Софья Зозуля (2)

Analiza garderoby (1)
Analiza garderoby 7000 rub
Zakupy ze stylistą (1)
Zakupy ze stylistą 7000 rub
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Софья Зозуля

My name is Sofya Zozulya, and I am a practicing image stylist. For the last 5 years, I have been professionally creating a personal style for my clients, organizing stylish photo shoots for magazines, stores and people, and supervising fashion shows. In my work, I rely on Larson's type theory. And I know in practice how the same outfit can turn one woman into the queen of a metropolis, and the second into a simpleton from the village.

My education and practice in offline learning helped me develop an online course on personal style, Smart Style, thanks to which I can share my knowledge with girls from anywhere in the world.

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Wyjazd do regionów Novosibirsk
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (905) 932-...
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