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Вера Дерипаско (Novosibirsk) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Вера Дерипаско (1)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 3500 rub
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Вера Дерипаско

ICF certified coach according to international standards, assistant in the “Coaching New Thinking” program at the International University Global Coaching. Creator of personal development and business development programs: “Author of your own business” and “Say YES to money!” I am a practicing psychologist.

I specialize in areas of coaching:
- executive coaching,
- business coaching,
- coach of money strategy (money thinking coach),
- a coach for coaches.

I specialize in areas of psychology:
- Gestalt therapy,
- family counseling and psychotherapy,
- therapy of crises, crisis conditions,
- cognitive behavioral therapy.
Certified MAK-master.

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