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Юлия Яковлева (Novosibirsk) Psycholog

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Юлия Яковлева

I have lived my entire life using a quote. . . Be yourself, other roles are taken. . .
O. Wilde. . . . . . I am delighted by this simple thought. . . after all, this is happiness, it contains all the answers to our questions. Allow yourself to be yourself. And we waste time trying to meet someone’s expectations and hopes. . . confidence. . . And we lose ourselves. I am for your uniqueness and am ready to help you see and accept it or find it again!!!

Opcje recepcji

U specjalisty w domu
Novosibirsk, Kirovsky dist, улица Ватутина, 61А
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Юлия Яковлева Psycholog
na Barb już 38 miesięcy
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Połączeń: 2
Ostatnia wizyta: 22.05.2021

Opcje recepcji

Recepcja domowa

Novosibirsk, Kirovsky р-н, улица Ватутина, 61А
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (923) 114-...
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