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Елена Акинченко (Odintsovo) Psycholog

Usługi i ceny master Елена Акинченко (2)

Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne 2500 rub
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Елена Акинченко

Hello! As a rule, the difficulties that people come to me with are related to relationships with other people or experiencing various kinds of crises. There are many difficult situations in life. In them we often experience many unpleasant feelings: powerlessness, anger, fear, anxiety, despair, shame, guilt. And we rarely know what can be done about it. We try not to feel rather than turn to the resources that exist within us. If you are tired of living painful feelings alone, you need support in finding a way out of this situation, I can be by your side.

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