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Наталья Чиримисина (Omsk) Kosmetyczka

Usługi i ceny master Наталья Чиримисина (9)

Kosmetyka twarzy (9)
Ultrasonic face cleaning 800 rub / 20 min
Oczyszczanie twarzy kombinowane 1500 rub / 60 min
Mechaniczne oczyszczanie twarzy 1100 rub / 60 min
Peeling chemiczny 1000 rub / 30 min
Mleczny peeling do twarzy 1000 rub / 30 min
Peeling węglowy 1000 rub
Mechaniczne oczyszczanie twarzy 1100 rub
Ultrasonic face cleaning 800 rub
Karboksyterapia twarzy 800 rub
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Наталья Чиримисина

My name is Natalya, I am a cosmetic esthetician, I help restore and prolong the beauty, youth and health of your skin. I sincerely believe that competent regular home care combined with non-invasive salon procedures can achieve a much longer, natural and healthy result than injections and plastic surgery.
The topic of skin care has always been interesting to me, I liked doing various home and salon procedures, trying new cosmetics, learning something new. I saw in my own example the result of systematic care. Therefore, one day, being at a professional crossroads, I decided to become a specialist in this area, to take my knowledge to a new level in order to help others take care of the beauty of their skin.

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