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Здоровье Нации (Omsk) Spa

Usługi i ceny salon Здоровье Нации (3)

Strzyżenie i stylizacja włosów (1)
Strzyżenie dla dzieci
Masaż i SPA (1)
Masaż ciała
Konsultacje indywidualne (1)
Konsultacje indywidualne
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Здоровье Нации

Our services:
- speech therapist-defectologist;
- preparation for school;
- massage;
- adaptive physical culture;
- general physical preparation;
- psychologist for children;
- psychological and pedagogical correction;
- assistance in social adaptation;
- starting speech with FORBRAIN headset;
- multisensory program using the TOMATIS method.

Our advantages:
1. Individual approach: development of individual correction and habilitation programs based on diagnostic results.
2. The center’s specialists work using proprietary methods, which allows them to achieve high results.
3. The center is equipped with modern specialized equipment, which facilitates the effective correction of complex disorders.
4. Habilitation, correction, and rehabilitation courses for disabled children are organized at the expense of charitable foundations.
5. There are always promotions and family subscriptions.
6. The center’s equipment allows it to target audiences of different ages (during the child’s classes, parents will be able to devote their time to their own health).
7. Convenient location of the center: a large number of public transport will allow easy access from anywhere in the city (stop of the Maluntsev Palace of Culture).

We are open to everyone. Waiting for you!

Adresy salonów

проспект Мира, 27А
   Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
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Adresy salonów



проспект Мира, 27А
Pokaż grafikę
Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (962) 058-...
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