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Татьяна Сергиенко (Rostov-on-Don) Kreator wizerunku

Połącz taryfę

Татьяна Сергиенко

I am a beginner stylist. Now I work at the Telegraph department store as a stylist-consultant. I get high when I manage to find the perfect thing in which the client will feel stylish and comfortable.
I adhere to the concept of conscious consumption. I don’t buy clothes in the mass market. My entire wardrobe consists of items from second-hand stores and local brands.
I tell people that in clothes they should value the quality of fabric, tailoring and good design.
I try to help girls discover their inner strength and confidence through finding their individual style.

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   Wyjazd do regionów Rostov-on-Don
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Wyjazd do regionów Rostov-on-Don
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Brak jasnego harmonogramu
+7 (952) 584-...
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