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Мария Вершинина (Samara) Psycholog

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Konsultacje indywidualne 1000 rub
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Мария Вершинина

My name is Maria Vershinina, I am 35 years old, 15 of which I have been a wife, and for 9 years I have been a mother (and now twice). I am a certified psychologist, family therapist, and infertility specialist.

How can I help you?
- people who have lost the ability to enjoy life, hear themselves and understand what they want, and move towards “I want!” in situations where life is “unbearable”.

- men and women who are married, go through difficult periods in life together, learning to see and hear each other, understand the cause of conflicts and learn to negotiate, establish warm, trusting relationships in a couple in situations of impasse, alienation, coldness, or vice versa strong aggression and constant claims.

- single men and women, to understand the reasons why relationships with the opposite sex do not work out and end before they even begin.

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